Kindle 2 leaks info and picture leaks
Sunday, February 08, 2009
nothing is confirmed yet but Gizmodo is throwing some "leaked" details at us. Personally I am waiting to see what I get in terms of an Andoid based smartphone and what reader apps are available before I plunk over 350 dead presidents down on a reader.
via Gizmodo:
Mobileread just got a bunch of official-lookingKindle 2 photos, which show it in various states being held and read, plus info that it's being released for $359 on February 24.
From the photos, it looks definitely a LOT thinner than the first, and maybe even a bit smaller too. Unless that man has gigantic hands, the Kindle goes from the tip of his middle finger to slightly below his wrist—not too shabby.
The photos may look fantastic and the news, by association, may seem official, but we don't know with 100% certainty that this is the actual price and actual release date until we hear from Amazon
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