Maid Cafe flyers
Thursday, May 28, 2009
When I was geeking out in Akihabara on my Japan trip I made it a point to save some of the maid cafe flyers.
Maid Cafes are kinda like Hooters for geeks. Pretty girls (how pretty is all relative of course) wear maid uniforms while serving food and drinks to geeky otaku...
or so I am told anyway....
having a girlfriend got in the way ... (grumble, grumble)
I seriously think that we should have maid cafe in my country~! >.<"
grumble grumble? Have your lady dress up in a maid outfit. Then you are set :) lol
oh yeah, ask her to dress as a meido ...
there would have been pieces of me in the street, after that
its only a matter of time before a maid cafe opens in this country. its clean fun, better than a hooters, geeks are pretty non-threatening after all
You're lucky to have yourself a girlfriend, going on like that.
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