What you must do in Japan and must not do
Saturday, May 02, 2009
First up is a fun article from Nihon Sun about the 25 things that are must do while in Japan. Shane uses the communication power of Twitter to add to a unispiring list from Japan Times with very interesting results. Boarding the Yamanote line at 7:27 sounds likean invitation to a crushing death, Going to Sado Island for Earth day and seeing the KODO taiko troupe would be simply indescribable. Those are from the original Japan Times article, but the suggestions from the twitter responses add so much more:
@ajep would like to find a quiet suburban temple on New Year’s Eve & listen to the temple bells at midnight before hatsumode. He also wants to watch sumo basho (tournament) from the front row@JapanMike suggests seeing a Soran Bushi (traditional Japanese folk dance song and dance) performance live. He says “It’s one of the most awesome spectacles I’ve seen, especially when it’s on stage.” View Soran Bushi on YouTube@tokyotopia wants to go to the Nagano tree rolling festival - and hopes she won’t die doing it!
next up is 10 things NOT to do while in Japan. I know it would be hard to adjust to a squat toilet but I did not think the Emperor of Japan posed for photos.
Number 4 - Go for overly priced cocktails at The New York Bar overlooking the lights of Shinjuku in a lame attempt to recreate a scene from Lost in Translation.
no worries there, those scenes were my least favorite in that movie..
Number 2 - Attempt to order a California roll at a sushi restaurant and wonder why the chef is giving them a funny look – it’s sushi after all isn’t it?
lol, I can tell you when I was in Taiwan and wanted to eat at MiCkey D's (when the first one opened there). It had been about a YEAR since I had ANY American food, and I just about got high off of the hot fudge in the hot fudge sundae. (cause I had not really had that much sugar in about a year). But that was because I had lived there for a long time. People visiting should try and get into the culture more :) Just my 2 yen :)
yeah, i can see it from the standpoint of a Japanese or native saying "oh look Krispy Kreme, lets try that..."
but for someone traveling there, it makes more sense to try the local cuisine instead of the same old from back home...
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