Shared World's top five real fantasy/SF like cities
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Shared World project asked five scifi/fantasy authors what five cities they find our earth the are the most fantastical. The results are a little surprising. No cities in Asia, and no cities in the USA.
Our own planet is often surreal, alien, and beautifully strange–and cities tend to focus our fascination with these qualities. Sometimes the exoticness comes from finding the unexpected where we live, and sometimes it comes from visiting a place that's foreign to us. Everyone also has a different idea of what "fantasy" or "science fiction" looks like in real places.
Michael Moorcock's pick of Marrakesh is not so out there but Nalo Hopkinson's pick of Kingston surprised me.
(photo of Marrakesh is copyright to movingthings on flickr)
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